Posts Tagged ‘Poker’

PokerStars Big Game

Posted: June 15, 2010 in Poker TV

Well, the highly anticipated PokerStars Big Game is supposed to air tonight on Fox; however, apparently, a vast majority of the US will not get to view it. For some strange reason, my TV Guide says “Paid Programming” during the 1am time slot tonight on Fox. Needless to say, I’m highly disappointed because PokerStars has really been marketing this show hard on the forums and on several Poker Podcasts. Hopefully, “Paid Programming” means the Big Game tonight.

Fortunately, we will be able to view all the episodes as they air at the following link:

Also, you can check out all the gossip about the show on the following 2+2 thread:

Hilarious New Hellmuth blow-up

Posted: June 12, 2010 in Poker TV

I got this link from a poker pal of mine on Facebook today. The following clip is from the new PokerStars cash game show ‘The Big Game’ which is set to start next week.

This hand will undoubtedly be a classic! Hellmuth slowrolls the hell out of this guy and gets sucked out on big time! And the best part??? Daniel, Doyle, Phil Laak, and Tony G all needle him and openly root for the suckout as it happens!

Classic and a must see!

First Post

Posted: June 12, 2010 in Poker

Welcome to my first official Poker Blog! My name is Matt, and I play under the alias “6 Deuce Suited” on Full Tilt. As an online poker player, I’ve come to understand the importance of connecting with other players and learning from one another through the use of poker forums such as and However, I’ve now decided to take it a step further by creating my own Poker Blog to both learn and help other players who play online.

Whether you are a friend of mine, you recognize my screen name from the tables, or you are an aspiring online player just starting out, I encourage you to comment on my blog and get to know me so that we can all learn from one another. I look forward to doing this, and hopefully it will be a good experience all around.

See you at the tables!