Archive for June 25, 2011

Interesting Spots

Posted: June 25, 2011 in Poker

I played live down at The Rivers for a good session on Thursday, and another short session yesterday afternoon.  I plan on relaxing tonight and then playing a monster session tomorrow night and going to work on Monday tired as hell.  The important things, right?  Anyway, mentally, I think I played really well, didn’t tilt, and I’m stayed very much in control.  Results-wise, I’m just up about 1 buy-in from the past 2 days, but I’m not upset about that – results will continue to come with volume.  Its just hard to put in a lot of volume live.

Anyway, I had 2 very interesting hands I want to discuss.  I think that I played both optimally, but I’m not sure.   I’ll discuss them chronologically because they were both at the same table.  Here goes.  In the first hand, I have about a $500 stack, I’m in MP with 4s5s, and 3 players limp in front of me.  I could have jacked it up here, and I probably should have, but I elected to just limp behind because I had been getting some of my Cbets picked off.  Everyone else folded, and the BTN limped behind as well.  The BB made it $15 more PF, and everyone called except the SB, so it is 6 handed, and the flop came T67 rainbow with 1 spade.  It gets checked to me, and again, I probably could have taken a stab at this, but I didn’t, I checked, and the BTN checked as well… card.  Turn is the 2s, giving me an OESD and FD.  The BB bet $25, and one of the limpers before me called.  The BB was a decent player also with a big stack, but he wasn’t great.  I put him on a very wide range, but without any monsters in his range.  I thought for a second and made it $125 to go.  I think that this move would have worked perfectly, but unfortunately, the old man on the BTN thought for a minute, showed his hand to his buddy next to him, and flatted my $125……Woops, that wasn’t supposed to happen, but it’s not the end of the world.  The BB thought for a minute and folded, and the other guy snap folded.  The turn brought an offsuit Jack, and I thought for a minute or 2 and was very close to putting the old man all in, but thank god I didn’t.  He quickly checked back and tabled trip 2’s – the hand I was repping.  Obviously, without the old man in the hand, this move would have worked, but such is life!  I still think this was a solid move, but others may disagree.  Not completely sure.

So now that I have that image at this table, I played a few more pots and lost another pot where I Cbet with air and got looked up.  My image was loose and bad.  In hand 2 a few moments later, I open UTG with JdTd.  I get 5 callers!  The BB, who was a good internet player who knew what he was doing, tanked for a minute, and then just flatted me.  Flop is Js 6d 7d…..GIN!  I Cbet $45, and the old man next to me (who did not suck, but was tight), flatted me.  Everyone folded to the BB internet kid, and he check/raised me to $125.  I had him covered, but he had a full $300 stack.  I tanked for a moment, and I realized 2 things.  First, yes, his range did include sets, but it also included overpairs and many draws, especially since I had a bad image.  Second, the old man to my left had either QQ, KK, or AJ, nothing else becaus he was so tight.  I decided that I did not want the old man in the pot, and that I had some (probably little) fold equity, and good equity in general against the BB’s range.  So I shoved.  Old man folds, BB sighs, says that he’s on a draw but is priced in, and makes the call.  Turn Ah, River 5d.  Cha-Ching!  Unsure what he had though, my guess is 89, but I’ll never know.

Again, I plan on playing a monster session tomorrow night.  Hopefully I can make something happen!

– “Formerly” 6 Deuce Suited