Archive for April 15, 2011

Red Line

Posted: April 15, 2011 in Poker

Well, it’s mid-April, and I’m still running like hell with an EV-adj of $441 and total winnings of -$1951.  Just slightly under $2500 EV, which is horrendous over 18.6K hands.  However, after a solid database review tonight, DR helped me to identify a key way to mitigate the suckout fest by focusing on my Red Line winnings.  I can’t affect my Showdown winnings right now as that will come with volume, but what I can do is take measures to affect my Non-Showdown winnings. 

So we took a look at my Red Line over the past 2 weeks, and just as suspected, I’ve been bleeding money at a higher rate than what I should at around -$2K.  So I really focused on that tonight as I played my session, and I played 1K hands with Red Line winnings of right around $0, which is outstanding!  Going forward, this will be my focus right now – just be more aggressive and play well in small pots until the negative EV straightens itself out over a larger and larger sample size. 

HAHA – unfortunately, I did manage to lose AA to AKs PF for stacks tonight!  So no luck changing EV yet.  However, I did grind out a solid profit tonight, so hopefully I can keep the momentum into my 3 day weekend as I play a ton of hands. 

On a side note, life ain’t so bad sometimes, as I do occasionally get my share of lovely suckouts, just not in All in situations.  Enjoy: