Archive for March 27, 2011

Am I a NIT? Apparently…

Posted: March 27, 2011 in Poker

So it’s been almost 3 months since my last blog post.  I always vow to update this more regularly, but then life seems to catch up and the blog among other things become forgotten – ho hum.  Perhaps by posting a few days before the end of the month, this may serve as a reminder to post my March results here in a couple days.  I haven’t looked yet, but I anticipate my March graph to look very, umm, jagged, as in many ups and many downs.  I know that I started the month off on an absolute tear, and I also had about a 6 buy in live score early in the month, but then I underwent an unfortunate mid-month crisis.  Anyway, I digress – I’ll write about this more in the next couple of days. 

So this week I finally started getting coached once again by none other than trustworthy FTP FR guru Eric “DamnRinger” Burtzlaff.  It’s been about 8 months or so since he coached me last, and it’s absolutely unbelievable how my game literally backtracked during that time despite the fact that I was a consistent winner.  We analyzed my play since the start of the new year, and I’m embarassed to say that my stat line looked something like this: 15/10/2.0 with a 24% steal% and 50% Cbet% over about 58K hands.  Absolutely Pathetic!  What a NIT! 

That being said, it’s obvious that Eric had me work on 3 specific things this week: 1) Increase my Steal pct – especially from the BTN, 2) Increase my Cbet pct, 3) Stop flatting with all suited connectors, and 4) Fold to 3bets more and do less 4bet bluffing.  So far this week so good after 5.3k hands: 14/11/4.3, with a steal of 31% and a Cbet of 69%.  This is not where I need to be yet, but it’s much more solid.  The unfortunate things is that i can’t win a flip to save my life this week as I’m only up 2 buy ins playing like that.  But whoa is me, I refuse to tell bad beat stories on this blog. 

Next coaching session is this Wednesday.  Maybe I’ll win a flip before then and have some profit to show for my strategic changes in my game! 

March graph coming in a couple of days!