December Results

Posted: January 4, 2011 in Poker

It’s always nice to see a 45 degree angle on my poker graph for the month (with the small exception of Dec 31st, of course).  Like November, I didn’t miss a beat as I cashed in 20 buy ins over 23K hands at 8.55 bb/100.  Again, this is nothing more than simply solid play at 14/10 without trying to get fancy, just like last month. 

Unfortunately, I have continued that bad day on Dec 31st into the new year, and I am currently down about 5 buy ins to start January.  However, I think this is a result of watching a few videos and actively trying to increase some of my stats.  My PFR, 3bet, and 4bet numbers are all up over these past few days, so I’ll try to tone it down a little and grind out a nice month. 

Hopefully I’ll be able to document a nice comeback over the rest of the month.  Check back in February to see!

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