Strong Thanksgiving

Posted: November 29, 2010 in Uncategorized


Since I am off today, I thought I’d take the time to sum up November’s play, even though there are still 2 days left in November.  As you can see by the graph, November started with its ups and downs for most of the month – much like September and October treated me.  However, the week of Thanksgiving was quite kind to me as I went on a nice 21 buy-in uptick.  I credit this small streak to the fact that I had plenty of time to relax and play poker this week without distraction.  Also, I made a concerted effort to not get fancy and just play ABC, straight up poker, and it worked out kind of nice, I must say. 

Over the course of the month, I played a really nitty 14/10.  Not surprisingly, during my Thanksgiving rush (21-29 Nov), I also checked in at exactly 14/10.  A couple of months ago, I would be disappointed with this; however, right now, since I am busy with work and with my MBA, I think that it is acceptable to get by until I have the time to focus on poker again.  That time is shortly approaching – Feb 14 to be exact – the day that I will finally be done with my MBA! 

In the months from when I started this Blog and now, I’ve really been just coasting along with poker because of all the events in my personal life – work, drill, and grad school.  However, once the grad school burden is removed in Feb, and the drill burden is gone in June, I will have much more time to dedicate towards getting better and moving up in stakes.  So between now and Feb 14, I’ll plan on just keeping things steady and not getting fancy with my play.   Then once mid-Feb rolls along, hopefully good things will start to happen once again.  But I’ll happily ride any more rushes that occur along the way like they did this last week!

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