Archive for September, 2010

Late August Report

Posted: September 6, 2010 in Poker

August was a brutal, break-even poker month for me, as evidenced by my being 6 days late in writing this blog entry.  In fact, I had a much bigger win 2 nights ago at the local Casino than I did collectively all month online.  The month started off great as I was running high on a great second half of July.  As you can see on my graph, I hit my peak for the month of August on the 3rd, and then everything was up and down from there with many highs and lows.  The good news is that my stats are looking much better (16/12/2.7, Steal pct 30) than last month.  However, I failed miserably in reaching my August volume goal of 30K hands, finishing with just 21.5K. 

The other good thing about August is that unlike previous months, I spend a significant amount of time studying hands in the Cardrunners and 2+2 forums as well as watching several videos.  Of course, I did not get to do as much as I liked because of other more important things like work and school, but I’m happy that I put a good amount of time in to poker in August.  Hopefully this will continue into September as football season is now underway, and I will be spending a lot of time with Fantasy Football (3 teams) and watching/betting games. 

So far, I’m off to a somewhat solid start in September.  I’ve played 4K hands so far and I’m up about 3.5 buy ins.  I got pretty frustrated playing last night when I was up 3 buy ins and then proceeded to donate about 2.5 buy ins right back to end the night with a very small profit.  I suppose that I could be a crybaby and post some hands from last night, but let’s just say that I wish I was playing in the Rivers Casino last night because I would have won the Bad Beat Jackpot with Aces full of Jacks beaten by Quad 4’s!