Miserable July (so far)

Posted: July 15, 2010 in Poker

Ever since getting home from Vegas, poker has been rough on me in more ways than one.  First, I was sick with a flu and a nose/throat illness that I couldn’t shake for about 10 days or so.  That affected my play because I simply was not playing much at all until about the 10th or so.  I’ve been putting in some small sessions since then, and I’m very disappointed with my play.  I know there is not much volume to really analyze anything, but overall it has been pretty horrid.  I figured that I would start by just looking at my stats for the month, and wow, I think I found the problem…..I’ve been playing like a weak Nit.  Here are my basic stats so far this month (only 7K hands):

Game Type Game Hands Winnings EV Adjusted bb/100 VPIP% PFR% 3Bet%
$1/2 NL holdem 7798 ($885.40) ($762.89) -5.68 15.3 10.3 2.8
Agg Flop CBet% Steal Pct Overall Steal Success
2.75 52.8 27.9 52.6

As you can see, that’s very brutal.  First off, I’m ashamed of my PFR only being 10.3.  That’s borderline nitty nowadays.  I believe last month I was running at about 15/12, so ya, very bad, and perhaps the first area I need to focus on improving.  Secondly, and equally pathetic is that my steal % is under 30%.  I remember when getting coached that this was the first thing that we worked on – always having a steal% of at least 30%.  So yes, weak in this area as well.  Also, my Cbet% is kinda low also. 

So for the rest of the month, it is back to basics for me.  I think that if I can simply focus on being a little more selectively aggressive PF and steal a little more, I’ll be able to play out of this little funk.  Also, feeling better physically won’t hurt either. 

All that being said, I could obviously bore everyone with bad beat hands, but I will resist the urge.  Instead, here is a nice “run good” hand.  Notice how I play this so perfectly and earn every dollar with my expert play on this hand, cha-ching!  I promise to figure out how to post hands on here like in the forums next time, but alas, enjoy:

Full Tilt Poker Game #22202606616: Table Arabia – $1/$2 – No Limit Hold’em – 0:58:13 ET – 2010/07/10
Seat 1: lattemacchiato1 ($210.35)
Seat 2: 6 Deuce Suited ($207)
Seat 3: kin575 ($200)
Seat 4: tatianaQQ ($80)
Seat 5: mikebrkovich ($322.65)
Seat 6: Ken31597 ($202.60)
Seat 7: GayGambla ($200)
Seat 8: SzPiLmAn ($200)
Seat 9: GYL17 ($118)
mikebrkovich has 5 seconds left to act
mikebrkovich posts the small blind of $1
Ken31597 has 5 seconds left to act
Ken31597 is sitting out
GayGambla posts the big blind of $2
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to 6 Deuce Suited [7s 6s]
SzPiLmAn folds
GYL17 calls $2
lattemacchiato1 folds
6 Deuce Suited raises to $9
kin575 calls $9
tatianaQQ folds
mikebrkovich has 15 seconds left to act
mikebrkovich raises to $24
GayGambla has 15 seconds left to act
GayGambla has requested TIME
GayGambla folds
GayGambla adds $2
GYL17 has 15 seconds left to act
GYL17 calls $22
6 Deuce Suited calls $15
kin575 folds
kin575 adds $9
*** FLOP *** [7c 7h 7d]
mikebrkovich has 15 seconds left to act
mikebrkovich bets $46
GYL17 folds
6 Deuce Suited has 15 seconds left to act
6 Deuce Suited calls $46
*** TURN *** [7c 7h 7d] [6d]
mikebrkovich has 15 seconds left to act
mikebrkovich bets $60
6 Deuce Suited has 15 seconds left to act
6 Deuce Suited calls $60
*** RIVER *** [7c 7h 7d 6d] [3d]
mikebrkovich has 15 seconds left to act
mikebrkovich bets $192.65, and is all in
6 Deuce Suited calls $77, and is all in
Uncalled bet of $115.65 returned to mikebrkovich
*** SHOW DOWN ***
mikebrkovich shows [Kc Kd] a full house, Sevens full of Kings
6 Deuce Suited shows [7s 6s] four of a kind, Sevens
6 Deuce Suited wins the pot ($446) with four of a kind, Sevens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $449 | Rake $3
Board: [7c 7h 7d 6d 3d]
Seat 1: lattemacchiato1 didn’t bet (folded)
Seat 2: 6 Deuce Suited showed [7s 6s] and won ($446) with four of a kind, Sevens
Seat 3: kin575 folded before the Flop
Seat 4: tatianaQQ (button) didn’t bet (folded)
Seat 5: mikebrkovich (small blind) showed [Kc Kd] and lost with a full house, Sevens full of Kings
Seat 6: Ken31597 is sitting out
Seat 7: GayGambla (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 8: SzPiLmAn didn’t bet (folded)
Seat 9: GYL17 folded on the Flop

  1. felt dweller says:

    what a great place to have 4 of a kind! Gotta luv it!

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